पश्यैतां पाण्डुपुत्राणामाचार्य महतीं चमूम् |
व्यूढां द्रुपदपुत्रेण तव शिष्येण धीमता ||१-३||
Behold and see this teacher, the great army of sons of Pandu is arranged in formation by the son of Drupada, who is also your intelligent disciple.
Word to Word Meaning
पश्यैतां – see this
पाण्डु-पुत्राणाम् – sons of Pandu
आचार्य – teacher
महतीं – great
चमूम् – army
व्यूढां – arranged
द्रुपदपुत्रेण – son of Drupada (Dhrishtadyumna)
तव – your
शिष्येण – disciple, student
धीमता – wise, intelligent
Widely Accepted Interpretations
- Duryodhana acknowledges that Pandavs have assembled a great and mighty army
- Duryodhana reminds Dronacharya, that Pandav’s army formation is arranged by Dhrishtadyumna who was a student of Dronacharya and was born to kill Dronacharya
- Duryodhana’s words also carry some irony by indicating the Dronacharya’s own disciple is leading his opponent’s army
- Duryodhana is also at unease, because the commander of the opponent’s army is skilled and well trained. He is indeed trained by the same teacher who trained him.
- In last shlok we see how Pandav’s army who have morally strength and are also discipline, they also have an intelligent commander thus making them strategically strong also.
- Duryodhana’s strategic awareness is also shown here as he is aware of his opponent’s strength. Thus this shows Duryodhana’s own strategic mind;