अन्ये च बहवः शूरा मदर्थे त्यक्तजीविताः |
नानाशस्त्रप्रहरणाः सर्वे युद्धविशारदाः ||
And also many other brave heroes who are ready to give up their lives for my sake, armed with various weapons and well-skilled in the art of battle.
Word to Word Meaning
अन्ये – others
च- and
बहवः – many, numerous
शूरा -brave warriors
मदर्थे – for my cause, for my battle
त्यक्तजीविताः – sacrifice the lives
नानाशस्त्रप्रहरणाः – various types of weapons
सर्वे – all
युद्धविशारदाः – experts of art of war
Widely Accepted Interpretations
- Duryodhana has shifted focus from the key warriors in his army to the ordinary soldier. He knows that battles are won not just with the individual strength but as a collective effort.
- Duryodhana mentions that soldiers of his army are ready to give up their lives for him. This shows his charisma as a leader and the absolute loyalty of his soldiers towards him.
- Duryodhana mentions that men in his army are equipped with all different kinds of weapons and expertise in all kinds of arts of war. This shows the preparedness of his own army and his capability as a good leader.
- Emphasis on readiness of soldiers to give up their lives is a reflection of kshatriya Dharma and shows valor and courage.